Monday, February 10, 2014

Day 15 (-5): The Boys' Closet

I just checked in on the theme of the day at the "blog zero" site. It's kids' closets.
The blogger offers up a photo column of lovely closets for our viewing pleasure. I am green with envy.
Sometime not long ago, I had one of those ideas that breed from necessity (laziness). I was transitioning my home office into the aforementioned guest room and had to get rid of an Ikea bookcase (Expedit) to make room for the bed. Rather than risk life and limb to get it down the stairs and being unsuccessful in my attempt to sell it on Facebook, I thought why not put it in the boys' closet? It would serve just as well as the awkward closet system we inherited from the previous owners, and kids like cubbies (right?).
Anyway, that's what we did. We pulled out the shelves and clothes bar and wedged that bookcase into the closet. I then proceeded to cram things into it willy-nilly, so organized it is not.
In fact, it's about as far from those precious examples of kid closet order as you can get.
By the way, we have a snow day tomorrow, so I could totally use this as an opportunity to work on that closet.
I could tell myself it's training for the big game (aka: the master closet).
I could.
I'll let you know how it goes.

Dare I enter this dark cavern?
P.S. I later discovered that Kids' Closets was the theme of Day 13 on CGIH blog. Probably, writing this post at 11:45 while lying in bed had something to do with my issues with math.


  1. I just spent the last 30 minutes reading through your blog and you have completely earned awesome points in my book for 1) being so genuinely honest about what we ALL try our harerdest to hide and 2) being so courageous in tackling such a difficult task (home organization). I applaud all your after photos - you have done a great job! All the "organized" closets/pantries/cabinets on pinterest, etc have like two items per shelf. WHO are they kidding?!! How do they survive off of a can a beans and cheerios?? If that's all I had, my hidden places (cabinets, closets, etc) would be immaculate. Ohh..I have a label maker. Have hadi it for over a year...and it is still in its original box (sealed)! Thank you for sharing a bit of you..unfiltered... with me. Know that your journey is one that I share :).

    1. This means a great deal coming from you! I've decided that we (women) inadvertently put up walls by way of pretending perfection. Life's too short for that. Thanks for all the encouragement. I look forward to returning the favor soon. <3

    2. This means a great deal coming from you! I've decided that we (women) inadvertently put up walls by way of pretending perfection. Life's too short for that. Thanks for all the encouragement. I look forward to returning the favor soon. <3
