The pantry isn't done yet. I wasn't able to get a few storage solutions that I will need to get it functional, but tonight was a victory in clearing out.
Best thing I did was stop at the store for a pack of bankers boxes. I was able to sort what came out of the pantry along the way based on how often I use them as well as type (snacks, breakfast, baking, cooking, etc.). I love, love, love bankers boxes. Love.
Last time I tried cleaning this space, I just dumped everything on the kitchen floor. I ended up like Rabbit all painted in corner which is stupid, because trapped is the last thing you want to feel when cleaning house.
Not to say I didn't have my "moment." It happened after I had pulled at least 80% of the stuff out. I suddenly felt overwhelmed, and I must have made a god-awful sound, because the next thing I know my husband is calling down from the upstairs wanting to know if I'm okay.
I worry him with my dramatic flair. You'd think he'd be accustomed to it by now.
After dumping plenty of outdated trash, and removing the cookbooks I will NEVER use, I put the rest back. And -whaddayouknow - it looks much better!
I still want to paint it and have a few other things to add, but heck it looks better than it ever has.
I've just got to teach myself to put things back on the right shelves. Even when I'm in a "hurry" (aka my kids are crying/whining/etc). Maybe I should make some labels . . .